Speech Therapy Services
Amplify recognizes that if you are seeking speech therapy, you are likely experiencing a hardship.
Your goals don't have to be placed on hold while your name is added to a waitlist. We'll be in touch within 48 hours and do our best to fit you in the schedule in 2 weeks.
Book a complimentary video meeting to meet the speech pathologist.

Aphasia Treatment
Language is how we connect to our loved ones and the world around us. When a stroke, brain tumor, dementia or other neurological condition causes a language disorder (including reading and writing), that human connection is impacted.
Speech therapy for aphasia combines rehabilitation techniques, strategies to overcome barriers and supports to maximize communication success. More info on aphasia can be found here.
Join the Aphasia Conversation Group in Eugene.

Dysarthria and Verbal Apraxia
Clear, precise speech is confidence.
Conditions such as dysarthria and apraxia of speech result in decreased clarity or slurred speech. Both conditions can improve with practice and strategies that improve speech clarity.
Read more about verbal apraxia here

Voice Therapy
Dysphonia, the medical term for disorders of the voice, encompasses a range of voice issues. SPEAK OUT! and LSVT LOUD are Parkinson's specific voice programs that are extremely impactful and research based with positive outcomes for voice, speech clarity and swallowing.
Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) is another condition that responds well to speech therapy.

Swallow Therapy
Amplify Speech Therapy knows how important shared meals are to our social well being and family unit.
Some swallow problems can be mitigated with strategies and swallow techniques. Some people who have chronic or more severe dysphagia will benefit from a more intensive rehabilitation program, such as MDTP. See if you are a candidate.

Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy
Boost your cognitive performance with speech therapy. Cognitive rehabilitation offers training and support in memory, attention, problem solving and other crucial cognitive functions essential for communication and everyday success.
Speech Therapy also works to preserve and maximize independence for progressive conditions, such as dementia. Learn more about Amplify's cognitive services that are tailored to each individual's needs.