Cecelia, SLPCognitive Health Through Social Engagement: Why Conversation is Good for the BrainConversation is the most fundamental brain exercise we engage in every day. The benefits of social engagement can’t be overstated.
Cecelia, SLPCommunicating After a Stroke Is Not Just About Words...Or the Words We Can't FindA speech pathologist's guide in how to have important conversations with your loved ones when aphasia is an obstacle.
Cecelia, SLPHow to Help Someone with Anomic Aphasia Anomic aphasia--how to help cue someone who is having difficulty finding their words
Cecelia, SLPWhat is Aphasia? Aphasia, by definition, is a language impairment and does not suggest any other cognitive deficit.
Cecelia, SLPDo you have aphasia? Do you know your rights?The Aphasia Bill or Rights ensures people are notified of their aphasia diagnosis, their rights to treatment and connects resources